Friday, February 27, 2015

A story with a Happy Ending

Life hasn't been kind to me lately.   Last August I lost my Dear Dad while I was in Las Vegas. Getting home for his funeral in Spain was a nightmare.  Fortunately BA did their best and I made it with hours to spare.  A week later my sister's husband passed away, also in Spain. 

On 20th January 2015 the thing I had been dreading most took place, that is my dearest friend, confidant and sister slipped away.  This has been the hardest thing for me to cope with.  We laid her to rest last Friday.  I thought all the bad stuff was over. How wrong was I, on Wednesday another friend, who was looking forward to a new job in the skies, passed away after a massive heart attack. He was only 40 and had just passed his flying medical. 

Sorry to bang on about all the bad stuff.....   There is a reason!   I begged the universe to give me some good news and here it is 😄

My adopted Grandson Taylor's favourite toy, Duckie, went everywhere with him.  It was the last gift his real grandma gave him before she died (stick with this, it IS a happy story).   

Last August he managed to leave it in the hotel room before flying home from Tenerife.  Both his Mum Shelly and Taylor were distraught.  Numerous calls to the hotel didn't turn it up.  Poor Taylor has missed Duckie daily and Michele has felt sad both for Taylor and for her late Mum.  

Duckie wasn't expensive, he came from Asda but after 8 years was no longer in production.  

This week, Shelly found him on eBay!!!   She was the successful bidder and took a gamble on telling her seller the story......  Look what happened next

Yes!  The lovely lady selling Duckie took Taylor's story to heart and made one little boy and his Mum very very happy.  

Thank you Universe.   Good things DO happen


  1. what a heart-warming story brought tears to my eyes

  2. Lovely ending, there are some wonderful people out there :)

  3. What a star that Patricia is - so glad that Taylor & Duckie are "re-united" again!

  4. So glad for you all... Lovely story!

  5. The look on his face says it all, I love a happy ending.
